
55 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Took a trip through your gallery and I'm marveling at the amount of appeal in each of your drawings! The style choices from the expressions, to the hair and outfits are all really pleasing to look at, and you're able to use unvaried line thickness and pull it off in a good way! Solid work man

KnebulaNight responds:

Aw geez, thanks! Good to hear confirmation that my lines are working well, as that's something I've been working on lately!

I was gonna clown you when i saw the mario thumbnail but the drawing had really cool perspective and form, so you are spared.

This looks really great! I love how you tapered the lines from thick to thin based on where the camera is and maintained solid form on his body parts! If I had to nitpick I'd say the left forearm could be a bit more concealed beneath the upper-arm, but otherwise this is really good!

mogy64 responds:

thanks! ive been trying to get more out of line weight instead of just making bold lines wherever i wanted. i can definitely see that now with the left arm, i dont know how i didnt notice. the arms were a struggle regardless due to the pudgy and weird his proportions are lol

cant ever draw mario again without running the risk of getting goofed on.......

Man that looks great! Very nice use of minimal detail and the colors are really pleasing, never realized how well those palettes work with flats

gatekid3 responds:

Yeah, it went alot better than expected

please please please PLEEEAAAAASE do a cartoon like this, I thought Ando's would give me a nice fix but seeing how you draw them only makes me want even more awesome tf2 designs!! Fucking love the soldier most <3

Dreaminerryday responds:

aw dude ; ; thnk u

Nice volume on the character! You also capture undersea elements like the coral and plants really well with only black/white outlines, it’s interesting how a little can go a ways for detail like that. Good job dude!

lilm00nie responds:

hey! thanks means a lot comming from you

Man that’s a sweet car design, and the idle animation is ever so subtle. I really admire your window material, I always have trouble making glass look tangible and you got it down, nice work! What program is this, Unity?

devilsgarage responds:

Thanks IvanAlmighty! you have a good eye for catching those details :D
This is build in Cinema 4D and rendered in VRay4C4D. It's a small community, so a ton of learning went into making materials. Glass material was a bit tough. Getting those various chrome look and feel took a lot of time figuring out.



cashumeru responds:

lmao what

Doesn't do justice to the original Chelsi >:(

Scorci responds:

OG chelsi best

Nice colors dude, really complementary use of yellows and pinks in here and the effects on the face are also cool! Dig the expression also, I hope some day Tom takes off the training weights and we see this final battle ensue

FuShark responds:

Thanks Ivan! Will the world ever be ready for that Tom?!

Nice expressions! Really like the graphic characters and shading also

Ennuikal responds:

thank you very much!

I live in a shack, I poop in an outhouse, I eat what I kill.

Ivan @IvanAlmighty

Age 25, Male

Freelance Animator

slept 4 years in a classroom

Philadelphia, PA

Joined on 6/20/14

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